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Regular Visits to Kavanaugh Chiropractic

Woman exercising

Avoid relapse with regular visits.

Your Time is Valuable

Your time is valuable whether running from errand to errand, home from work or if on vacation, Dr. John performs his adjustments with care, attention to your needs, and efficiency. Typical office visit times vary from five to fifteen minutes. There is often little to no wait time in our office, especially if you have an appointment or call ahead.

Conveniently Located

Free and easy parking is available both in the front and back of the office. An East Hampton public parking lot is also located at the intersection of Collins Avenue and North Main Street, just steps from our front door.

Your Adjustment

Once in the office we will ask you to sign in and if needed take a seat while a room becomes available. The receptionist will escort you to your preferred adjustment table and Dr. Kavanaugh will then greet and adjust you. Once adjusted, Dr. Kavanaugh will recommend your next visit date and escort you to the front desk for scheduling and payment. Our courteous and friendly reception staff will schedule you for your next appointment, discuss and receive payments, and wish you well until next time.

We’d love to meet you and answer your questions. Give us a call today.

Since 1991, proudly serving the Hamptons and Manhattan.
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